Engaging With Your Akasha While You Sleep

I'm really excited to be offering a workshop on March 24 on this subject, so thought I'd go ahead and blog about it!
When 2 register together, both receive $10 price reduction (select $65 option).
When 4 register together, each will receive $15 discount (select $60 option). add names of those attending together when you register for the workshop.
I'm getting word that it would be GREATLY beneficial to have a class partner to write down key words, phrases and experiences while you journey. ( If you don't have someone attending with you, it's all good...it will still work!)
Engaging with the soul during sleep is the IDEAL time for deeper work. It might seem like a lazy or ineffective way to engage, but during quality sleep the body and ego mind are quite sedated, and therefore in much deeper receptive states, without resistance of the limitations of ego mind. More about my experiences of "sleep work" further down in the blog.
First and foremost, I want to clarify that this blog and workshop are NOT about reading Akashic Records for others. This is about learning how to work within your own soul records, for the sake of your personal evolution and/or improving specific areas of your life. There IS a difference in READING Akashic Records and engaging on a personal level, for yourself.
What is the Akasha????
For the sake of those who are not familiar with Akashic Records, let me include a few paragraphs of information. Of all the information I've read about the Akasha, I most resonate with Edgar Cayce's experiences on this subject, along with my own intuition and experience.
First, let's look at some interchangeable terms used for the Akasha:
The Book of Life
Hall of Records
Akashic Library
Akashic Records
God's Book of Remembrance
The Force
The Fifth Element
Memory of God
Divine Mind

Your Akasha is YOUR life story and, the data and records of all your soul experiences. It contains your choices and contracts about your soul's growth, your situations, circumstances and other people. It's YOUR personal plan, which you created from a purer state of consciousness before you incarnated as the human being you are today. YOU set it up and implemented it with your soul group family, and guess what....you KNEW what you were doing....before stepping through the veil of forgetfulness, and into your human expression. YOU set up the potentials, possibilities AND challenges for this life, and it's all there in YOUR personal library...YOUR Akasha...YOUR library...YOUR codes...YOUR database of experiences.
According to Edgar Cayce, the AKASHA is very much like a personal supercomputer system that is the central storehouse of all information for every individual. It is your “library” or “database” of personal records and codes of higher consciousness; and is available to every person that attunes themselves to engaging with these records.
(You can read about some of Cayce's experiences with the Akasha in the book, "Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, by Kevin J. Todeschi)
Your database contains every deed, word, feeling, thought and intent that has occurred at any time, in ALL of your God-Expressions... past, present and even future. It's your story...your history, your present, your future, imprinted onto and into every part of the fabric of your being.
But it’s much more than simply a memory storehouse or library and database. These records are INTERACTIVE and alive with consciousness! They have a deep and wide influence upon our daily lives, our relationships, our feelings, our belief systems, and the potentials and probabilities we attract to ourselves. The Akasha is part of every aspect and every function of your entire being. It's part of your DNA, your tissue, your bones, your blood, your fluid, your mind, your emotions....its part of, and within, every part of you.
Programs of the Human Being

We all operate according to mental programs. This is quite evident if you have, or develop, the awareness to notice. This is why you often see the same dynamics playing out among different kinds and groups of people, with different details. For example, co-dependency is a collective program that keeps us entangled in drama and attachment of energies. Conditional, human love is a collective mental program, therefore it's quite common to see very similar mindsets and drama concerning conditional love. So there are collective programs and personal programs. There are personal, collective, planetary, universal and galactic Akashic records too, but we're only focusing on personal Akasha in this blog and in the upcoming workshop.
Your Akashic records contain all the codes that "ping" the functions which operate all your personal soul and mind programs. So in short, your Akasha is a library and database of program codes that inform the functions of all of your being, at every level and layer of your life experiences.
Just like any other library, your personal library of codes has many different sections specific to you. There are sections about your family history (including soul families), your biology, your mind, emotions, soul contracts, and situations and stories of your other many lifetimes. And each section has subsections within that particular category. As you can see, this is a VAST library of information, specific to YOU.

You were born with a personal instruction manual within every part of your being, that is specific to YOU and all the sophisticated workings of your body, soul and spirit. This personal user manual IS your personal Akasha, and contains information and instructions about how YOUR biology works best, how YOU interact best in relationships; and contains the specifications for YOUR soul and YOUR “function keys” for higher states of consciousness and the possibility of activating innate abilities. And these things are basically just the surface.....there is SO MUCH MORE...and more to learn!
You have the ability to access any piece of information you want or need to know, in order to function at more optimal levels of body, mind, emotion, soul and spirit. You innately have the answer to any problem, question, challenge or confusion hidden within this instruction manual that is all about YOU. The key is ACCESSING these records and learning how to use your codes consciously and on purpose. (It really IS very much like operating a computer....except we are a living SOUL, alive with Source life and consciousness!)
Everybody has the inherent ability to access their Akashic Records. But like a muscle that needs exercise and training, it may not work at its optimum level on the first attempt. So I’m offering this workshop as an opportunity to begin exercising the “muscle” of your intention and intuition, in order to begin engaging with your Akasha. The primary purpose of the workshop is to get you started....to assist you with setting up easier access and downloading. And the great thing is, that every time you intentionally engage with your Askasha, it gets easier and faster with your intention, to the point that you can consciously engage with it at any time....night or day. I know this to be true from my own experiences with my Akashic Records.
Experiences of engaging with my personal Akasha while sleeping

How can one "work while you sleep", you might ask?? Well I'm glad you asked that question!
Several years ago, I discovered the value of setting specific intentions before bed time for my personal energy work and evolutionary upgrades.
It proved to be invaluable, but I felt as though there was more to this than what I knew at the time. Subsequently, I kept being drawn to engage at night with my Akashic records in order to amp up the effects. I started with physical issues I had been experiencing for several years; and then progressed to accessing, retrieving and downloading codes for my personal evolution and activation of dormant abilities .
I really didn't know much about the Akashic Records, except that they exist and they are my personal library of information and codes. I'd had a few Akashic readings from a reliable source, and found them to be very helpful, but that was pretty much the extent of my conscious engagement with my library and records.

After one of my Akashic readings, I kept hearing my intuition encouraging me to consciously engage with Akasha at night while I'm sleeping. My first thought was that I didn't have interest in doing Akashic readings, and I felt that if , I needed to know anything from my Akashic records, it would naturally arise from within me in ways I understand.
I soon learned that ACCESSING my Aksasha is different from READING my Akasha (or receiving a reading from someone whom I give permission to access my Akasha).
Accessing is like going to a library to find the topic which you want to learn about and taking the book home with you. READING the Akasha is to get "the story" - or like staying at the library for other reference materials on hand. READINGS feel more detailed - about things going on in your life, including how past life situations are affecting your current life situations; and getting some advise from your Record Keepers (your SELF, with a big "S") in order to understand.
Accessing is less about understanding, and more about simply using your God-given abilities of intention to access and download the codes needed to make effective changes at the deepest levels of your soul and human expression. Akashic Readings are invaluable in my experience...when I need understanding or have come across what seems like obstacles and blocks in my life. Anytime I receive a READING, it gives me detailed clarity; and you can bet I'm gonna use the details for accessing, retrieving, downloading and activating the optimal codes of function for the current challenge in my life! It's absolutely invaluable!
If you would like to receive an Akashic Reading prior to the workshop (or whenever!), click on the contact info of the local person from whom I receive my readings: Melita Mollohan, Zen From Within
Accessing, Retrieving and Downloading From Your Akasha
There are a couple major components that seem to be important for consciously engaging with your Akasha These are simple and easy practices to effectively access, retrieve, download and activate important codes from your Akashic database.
One of those components is the ability to break down and refine the codes from your Akasha. This would be very much like the digestive and elimination functions of the body, but in energy terms this is a transduction process.
"Transduction is the process of converting one form of energy into another...transduction refers to changing physical energy into electrical signals (neural impusles) that can make their way to the brain".
So as you can see from this definition, in relationship with your Akasha, you are downloading energy information from a higher dimensional system of energy into the human system of energy, usually via the nervous system, where the energy then sends electrical messages to the body, soul and spirit of your human self.
As I said, this is akin to a digestive process that needs to be re-activated in our human energy system.

Our Human Energy System Has Transduction Capabilities
Re-activated? YES....reactivated. The human transducers have always been part of our human energy system, but were slowed down and almost completely turned off as we progressively devolved and lost many of our abilities in the vibrational fall. Therefore, we have mostly been unable to gracefully refine the energy and consciousness of our higher selves into our human, daily lives.
There is a VAST energetic difference in the outer workings of the human energy system and the inner world of the Akasha. It's two different worlds, so to speak. Assistance is needed in refining, breaking down the innumerable codes of consciousness contained in our Akasha Records.
No wonder we've had such a difficult time accessing, retrieving, downloading and activating our higher consciousness into our human experiences! No wonder we so often feel lost in our own lives...not understanding ourselves or our inherent TRUE power and abilities...like we have no "instruction manual" about OURSELVES! Our refining functions have been mostly OFF for thousands of years during devolution!!
Can you imagine what it would be like if your food intake wasn't broken down, absorbed, assimilated and metabolized? We would die of malnutrition! Now compare that with not being able to refine your soul energy into human energy!! Yea,,,,you've been feeling it, just like me and most other humans. For a looooong time we have experienced life without the refining functions....how have we even managed to survive as a species without these important refiners being ON???!!
A few years ago, I was receiving a lot of information about how the human energy system is changing and upgrading as we evolve. During meditation and contemplation I kept hearing "transducers need activated"; and then was guided during an upgrade session to "activate the client's tranducers so they can refine and use the codes" that were being activated during the session. At that time, i didn't even know what transduction or transducers meant, except that it would help to refine and manifest the codes and higher dimensional energy needed for our human evolution.
Along the way of my learning journey and divine remembrance, I was given very specific instructions and more understanding about where the transducers are located in the human energy system, and very specific points to work with in order to fully activate this ability to refine and use the higher dimensional energy codes in daily life.
Because, in my experience, I regard this as one of the MOST important components in effectively engaging with your Akasha, we will be talking a little bit more about this in the workshop, and those attending will be assisted in activating their transducers with light language assistance before we begin actively engaging with Akasha in the workshop.

Other Important Components
The other components that seem to make this more effective are:
Creating or intuiting your personal "passcode" to access your library more easily (think of it as your library card or passcode to a computer program!)
Making sure you have direct Source connection on a daily basis to keep your vibrational status in alignment with your personal Akashic codes

I have so much more I'd like to share about my experience with the personal Akashic Records; so I'm personally inviting you to register for this workshop to learn and practice.
I am just overjoyed to share what I know, along my successful experiences of engaging with my personal Akasha. i really think many people are ready for this self-empowerment workshop, and lord knows....we need all the assistance we can get straight from our PERSONAL RECORDS and LIBRARY!! This just might change your life in many ways! I know it has empowered me and changed the way I approach challenges!!
It's going to be FUN and EXCITING, as well as educational....I will assisting you in the "set up" to enter and engage with your Aksaha, as well as guiding you in making your initial journey through your personal library....the visuals and experiences will be specific to you as you meet your Akashic Teachers, Guides and Assistants (all higher dimensional aspects of your God-Self!), so reserve your seat now....registration will be limited in the big room at The Hov in Westover! I hope you will join me in this exciting adventure!
Scroll down for workshop details.

You will need to register in advance for this workshop, as space at The Hov is limited. Click here to register
A lot of this workshop will go according to intuition and divine guidance, but this is the general outline of what I intend to offer, and whatever else divine guidance provides:
Workshop details:
Saturday, March 24
4:00-8:00p (please arrive about 15 minutes early, we will be starting at 4p on the dot, and will not have time to repeat the info given at beginning of the workshop)
At The Hov, 33 Wilson St, Westover.
Bring notebook or journal that you can dedicate specifically for your personal Akasha work during the workshop, and afterwards in your private time.
Bring beverages and/or snacks if you'd like. Dress comfy! This is a casual, informal workshop.
In this workshop:
We will briefly discuss various information about Akashic Records, but focus on your personal Akasha
We will discuss the importance of daily alignment with the Source Life that you are, and the importance of grounding for manifestation of your personal codes. This is an important part of maintaining higher vibrations to make it easier to engage with your Akasha from WITHIN, instead of trying to do so with the limited human mind. You will receive my personal daily alignment practice to use, or tweek it with you own words.
We will discuss the importance of reviving and TRUSTING your inner voice, your intuition
We will have "creative time", when you will create and draw your personal passcode for access (after this part, there will be a 20-30 minute break before the final part of the workshop)
You will receive assistance on how to clarify and get specific about the areas of your Akasha from which you want to access, retrieve, download and activate the optimal codes for your current situation; so be prepared prior to the workshop with intention, and to share for the sake of obtaining clairity for the inner journey into your Akasha
Light Language assistance in activating your own transducers for refining and activating the codes from your Akasha
Finally, you will participate in a guided journey into the library/database of your Akasha, as a start of doing it yourself, at home, while sleeping
This is a 4 hour workshop/class. The energy exchange is $75. Payment is in advance, at time of registration. Register soon to reserve your spot! Click here to register.