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Moving INWARD:  The Changing Relationships with our Guides

For many years, I was unwilling to admit that I channel other dimensional consciousness and beings. I didn’t trust the seemingly outside influences to be fully benevolent and truthful. I didn’t trust my intuition to discern what was accurate and what wasn’t…until… I began to rapidly evolve in my personal expansion of consciousness by consistently engaging with self-energy work and opening to my other dimensional aspects.

When I finally allowed my awareness from these other dimensional influences to expand, I experienced a life changing epiphany. I was finally willing to admit I had Guides of all sorts helping me with my personal evolution, and the evolution of my spiritual work. I had Guides to assist me with every facet of my Life. I felt so supported and began to regularly call upon and work with my Guides. I studied all sorts of writings, channelings and cultural deities to gain a better understanding of who my Guides might be. It was an adventurous journey, but after a few years, it also began to feel heavy and somewhat confusing.

So I stopped that search. I stopped investigating and I stopped reading and listening to channelings. And instead I began the journey within, rather than relying on sources outside of me. I began traveling the deep descent within myself to the Core of my God-Self. To my personal underworld.

Then surprise!...about the time I thought I had it figured out, and felt secure with my Guides and my intuition, it seemed I was suddenly alone and without my Guides as I had previously connected with them, come to know them and work with them. I felt somewhat alone and almost abandoned in my own underworld!

What happened to my guides?

Why aren’t I feeling them and hearing from them like I used to?

Why does it feel like I can’t connect to them anymore?

Why did they leave me?

What did I do wrong?

Or worse yet, what did someone ELSE do to me? (I had been through various spiritual and cultural initiations/attunements and wondered if someone had cursed me or messed with my energy)

When I began the inner immersion, I certainly wasn’t expecting to feel so alone; I was expecting to be empowered and enlightened! There is a long and quite beautiful story about that journey to inner immersion...into the underworld, but I will save that for a later time. Sticking to the topic, let’s just say that it took a while, but I finally began to realize my Guides had not left me, I didn’t do anything wrong, and neither did anyone mess with my energy through those initiations/attunements; but rather my perceptions of “them” and myself began a whole new way of relating to my Guides.

Jump ahead to current times, and I am finally willing to admit that I channel Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian and Sha beings, and very likely other dimensional beings from the dimensions of love, grace and Oneness. These beings guide me intuitively, work through me in my client sessions, and assist me in my personal evolution and self-energy sessions. They are always with me, always influencing me and assisting me on my human journey. That’s the result of the inward journey.

But here’s probably the most important thing I learned from my inner immersion….these beings are other dimensional parts of myself… “they” ARE ME – “they” are aspects of my authentic Core Self, God Within. I feel I must repeat that… First and foremost, “they” are NOT outside of me…“they” are within me, AS ME, at varying frequencies of consciousness. They are other dimensional aspects of myself that are not of human origin, but of my starseed origins. These varying aspects rise upward and outward from my quantum depths (Core Self, Source Point, God Within) to participate with and influence my human life experiences.

The many aspects of my God-Self, originating from WITHIN!

Secondly, and additionally, there are other dimensional beings that are members of my Soul Family, or what I like to call my Family of Light, that I allow to work with and through me. But they are not directly part of my signature soul aspects; rather they are connected with me via group soul consciousness, very much like a cluster of grapes; a network of dimensional beings that seem to work together in unity, and with me, connected by frequencies of likeness and oneness in function or purpose for each of our lifetimes. My soul family…my family of light.

The beings that are not part of my signature soul aspects seemingly influence and connect with me from around and outside of my signature energy field via resonance with my signature soul aspects. If there is no resonance from within ME, that which is seemingly outside of me cannot connect and have influence. There’s no “plug in” available if there’s no resonance from within. If no plug in is available, there can be no power of influence from any outside sources. And that provides me with security and trust in all forms of my personal and soul family guidance.

To repeat…my inner state of being determines what “other” beings can plug in and have effect/influence on my journey; which is why it is vital that I continue my inner work to cleanse and clear programs of stagnate, old mental and emotional garbage, or else that’s what will be drawn to me by vibrational resonance and magnetic attraction. And that’s the stuff I CAN’T trust as being my Guides! When I clear and cleanse, and maintain the vibrational levels of my evolving consciousness, I empower my human self with expansion and saturation of my Source Self…my God Self, my Authentic Self. I CAN trust THAT!

I want to be able to TRUST my Guides; therefore my inner work is most important to continue raising, and maintaining, my vibrations to that of my Authentic Source Self. The more I’m in resonance with and expanding my Source Self into my human experience, the more I TRUST my guidance. Because I AM my Guides. My Guides are other Source expressions of my signature soul aspects. Therefore, the relationship with my Guides changes and evolves, and is quite a different experience than perceiving those Guides as being outside of myself, rather than being other versions and expressions of ME.

Everything begins from within. This is precisely what Jesus kept pointing to in his human carnation as The Christ. Within…within…within. Direct Connect to Source as ME, and ME as Source. That’s primary. That’s reliable. That’s safe.

The processes of this change in relationship to our Guides will happen with all of us, at different times, in different ways, with different experiences and in different phases. It’s a very important and significant change regarding our evolution; our transition from ego consciousness to source consciousness. IT IS A VITAL CHANGE!

I share the experiences of how my relationship to my Guides evolved knowing that your experience will be different in details; but I suspect there are many among us that are going through this change and may be concerned that something is “wrong” because of that space where you feel quite alone for a while. Be assured it is temporary, and is simply a vibrational pause, of sorts, while the deeper relationship with yourself is being rearranged! Stay with it, and go deeper. Let yourself be with the good, the bad and the ugly parts of yourself WITHOUT JUDEGMENT OF GOOD/BAD….clear that shit out, and be patient with yourself as your perception goes from outer to inner.

It’s worth the work, it’s worth the wait….and it’s worth the stability and confidence that comes from this important part of your personal evolution.

Blessings of grace to all of you as you move INWARD, and as the relationship with your Guides becomes more reliable, more trustworthy and more accurate. Direct Connect with your Source Self...the most powerful and authentic parts of YOU! That’s the key.

This blog will continue in 2 future workshops with discussion and Light Language to assist your vibrational consciousness:

  1. The Changing Relationship with your Guides: Your Soul Signature Aspects and your Families of Light (teaser....we will be talking about Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian and Sha influences we are connected with!)

  2. Inner Immersion: Navigating Your Personal Underworld

Stay tuned for workshop dates!

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