Synergy Reiki and Massage
Alternative and Complimentary Healing Services
Cathy Campbell, RMT, LMT, Teacher/Coach
Locust Ave Fairmont, WV
(The Westover location is closed - now offering services only in Fairmont)

(For private personal energy management sessions, select Soul Salad Sessions or Coaching Sessions
Check back for next scheduled class! OR schedule private training by contacting me.
Five weeks of 2 hour teaching and practice sessions with Cathy to assist you in developing daily alignment practices.
Alignment with the Source Life that YOU are!
the spark of Original Life that is the Source of ALL living creatures and beings!
Alignment with your evolutionary blueprint (aka life plan, life contract)!
each of us created an energy "plan" - a particular matrix of codes and instructions for our personal evolution before we incarnated into this particular life and personality. That blueprint lies within the DNA and Akashic Records, deep within, and now we can consciously access our own blueprint.
Source Intelligence is the INFORMER of the evolutionary BLUEPRINT, so we must be in alignment with Source in order to start working, consciously, with the details of the plan WE helped create for this Life!
In this series, Cathy works in a tailored way with each group, once per week, for the duration of the 5 week program. You will learn and PRACTICE...
Connection/Alignment - REstoring Source as the PRIMARY ASPECT of your Being
Immersion and saturation of Source at all levels, layers, densities and dimensions of your Being; affecting all functions of every system, and affecting all life times
Grounding and Anchoring so that you will more easily bring all of the above into manifestation and actualization in your daily Life
Surround and protecting your energy field/aura so that only that which is in resonance with your personal evolutionary blueprint can plug in and have influence
Learn to manage your thoughts and emotions, and those times when you feel like you're gonna freak out or explode
Learn simple and effective exercises to calm your energy, stimulate your energy when feeling tired, clear your mind, "zip up" so you contain your own energy, and meridian tracing to help correct dysfunctional energy flow in the meridian pathways
The Personal Energy Management Series is designed specifically for YOU, so although the basics remain the same for everyone, Cathy has a unique way of tuning into your blueprint in order to tailor the program for your optimal benefit! You will also receive some hands on Reiki assistance during this program....yum yum!
This series must be paid for and scheduled in advance in order to receive the discount rate in comparison to single services.
HINT! Click on the pics below for some teasers about this series!

Become best friends with your GOD SELF again!! IT happens within!

Reintegrate the mind with the heart, as ONE function! Then, the mind provides info, data and acts as a processor of information - but the heart GUIDES the mind and makes heart centered choices!

Once you've reconnected to your Source Life within, and reintegrated the HeartMind, then comes alignment....bringing coherency to the many aspects, systems and functions that comprise our soul and body!

When you intend to align with the Source Life that you are, inner unification becomes the prize!!! This happens incrementally, so you have time to enjoy the process!

BE A SPONGE! Absorb, absorb, absorb SOURCE LIFE!! Saturate yourself from the well of Source within you....bring that into the atoms, cells, molecules, organs, fluids, bones and flesh....and SOUL!

Don't be just ANY ole' sponge....be a HAPPY sponge! Enjoy the process of learning how to abosrb Source and manage your personal energy!!

Did you know that there's a difference between grounding and anchoring? Grounding is being connected to both the Earth AND the Cosmos, and running those energies up and down your entire energy system. Once you are well grounded, anchoring becomes easy breezy! Grounding is step one in manifestation! Grounding establishes your Divine Presence in your HUMANITY! So what, then, is ANCHORING? Go to next pic!.....

Anchoring is often misunderstood as grounding. Grounding is briefly described in former pic, anchoring is SENDING YOUR ENERGY INTO THE EARTH! It's like the stakes of a camping tent...the stakes keep the tent secured to the earth so winds don't knock it over. SOOOO....anchoring is the final phase of manifestation potential. Anchoring almost guarantees actualization and manifestation. It stabilizes and secures your energy. This is how you establish your Divine Presence into EARTH experience!

It is VITAL to surround your aura with protective light vibes!! If not....anything or anyone can plug into your energy system and have influence on your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and attitudes!! NOT what you want! SURROUND and PROTECT as your final step in daily personal energy management!