Synergy Reiki and Massage
Alternative and Complimentary Healing Services
Cathy Campbell, RMT, LMT, Teacher/Coach
Locust Ave Fairmont, WV
(The Westover location is closed - now offering services only in Fairmont)

Zoom Classes
Leaving The Age of Forgetfulness
Remembering The Soul
April 5 – Sept 6, 2024
There are many unusual and extraordinary astrological events taking place in the year 2024, and April is supposed to be a primary month for the beginning of very big changes both collectively and individually.
My way of supporting and assisting humans through these changes is to bring forward information I have been receiving for many years, and rarely share openly. But now it’s time for me to share what I have been shown and remember from Soul memory.
It is time we, as humans, re-acquaint ourselves with our most basic God nature, our living Master Blueprint - the Soul. It’s time we “re-member” ourselves, learn how to reactivate, direct and use that innate power, which we have forgotten or abused, in supportive ways instead of via domination and tyranny.
We are now fully in the Age of Aquarius, which will usher in a totally different consciousness for the planet and her inhabitants. Most cultures refer to this as “THE GOLDEN AGE”, because it is SUPPORTIVE instead of dominating and tyrannical.
Can it really be true?? Is it real? And if it is true and real, how can we optimally cooperate with this kind of change for the human being?
I’m inviting you to a very deep dive to rediscover and remember, with your Soul memory, the living consciousness and power of the Master Human Blueprint designed and animated by Prime Creator.
What is it?
How is it designed?
How does it work?
How do we reconnect with it?
How do we cooperate with it for a more fulfilling human experience?
How do we change our minds and ways of being so that we are fully supportive of all Life Forms, instead of Ego driven via domination, tyranny, competition and non-supportive agendas?
This class is for anyone interested in a deep dive with unusual information regarding the experiences of the Human Soul. But know that my deep and intense Scorpio ways will be most present, along with technical information about the blueprint, its templates and codes; and will likely leave us all with more questions than answers. But that’s a great beginning for necessary changes within and collectively for the entire species.
Leaving the Age of Forgetfulness
Remembering the Soul is a 6-mth course, 2 ½ hours every 1st Friday April - Sept, 6-8:30p via Zoom. All classes will be recorded and sent to class members. That way, if you can’t attend live every Friday, you will have a recording of every class.
April 5 – Sept 6, 2024
$60/mth auto charged via debit or credit cards
Register here:
www.morgantownreiki.com (classes/Zoom series)
304-216-7324 or cathysynergyrm@gmail.com
If you prefer to pay by cash or check, contact me know so I can organize that type of payment with you.