Synergy Reiki and Massage
Alternative and Complimentary Healing Services
Cathy Campbell, RMT, LMT, Teacher/Coach
Locust Ave Fairmont, WV
(The Westover location is closed - now offering services only in Fairmont)

Master Apprenticeship Course TBA
You must have a Master Level certification in any Energy Healing modality in order to attend this course. Certification in QHHT is acceptable as a Master level requirement, as long as you are actively giving QHHT sessions. However, it is highly recommended that you have received some sort of energy healing attunement that enables you to ACTIVATE dormant functions and abilities in others (such as Master Reiki level).
If you have not received master level training in a professional Energy Healing modality, but feel as though you are currently interacting with higher dimensional healing energy and giving energy healing sessions, you can set an appointment with Cathy to review the situation and see if the course is a match for you or not.
If you have NOT received the 90-min EvR session (Evolutionary Reiki session) with Cathy or other qualified practitioner as a basic human energy system upgrade, you will need to set an appointment for this session before or immediately after the first class day. It is essential to reactivate dormant functions of your energy system in order to adequately process this higher dimensional course information and practice!
Course description
This course is for learning and practicing advanced energy healing techniques that you can use as full client sessions; or break out portions of various sessions to use during traditional energy healing sessions. Breaks and snack time will be given each class day.
In the first meeting we will explore what being a “Master Energy Healer” really means, focusing on opening and maintaining chakras 8-12, regularly optimizing your personal upgrades, skills and gifted abilities. You will learn how to develop personal management skills for your own well-being, emotionally, mentally and physically. It is vital that you always continue expanding and evolving on a personal level in order to be an empowered, authentic healer with your clients.
In addition to educational components, you will be learning and doing table practice with the following upgrades for the human energy system on other attendees:
Evolutionary Reiki Session, a basic upgrade, 2-part class (2 monthly classes)
If you have already learned the EvR session in Cathy’s Master Level Reiki Class, you will still be required to attend this particular class and assist while the newbies are learning the session
Axiatonal Alignment session with 30+ crystals and sound therapy, 2-part class (2 monthly classes)
Diamond Inlay sessions (Donna Eden Energy Medicine Technique), 1 class
Chakra and Meridian balancing, cord cutting, EFT tapping and transducer activation, 1 class
Guided Journey into the Garden of Metatron, addressing fear programs, 1 class
Thyroid/Adrenal session, detailed meridian points session, to reactivate and/or optimize partnership between thyroid and adrenal functions
Final class day will be review of all techniques learned, Q&A, receiving certificate and a social time
*Depending on attendee dynamics and time, I MIGHT teach the Guided Journey into the personal Akashic Records.
Course Details
The course is limited to 10 attendees
This is a 9-month course
All in person meetings will be at my Fairmont home the second Saturday of every month October 2022 – June 2023, 11AM-5P. PLEASE MARK EVERY MONTH’s CLASS, IN ADVANCE, ON YOUR CALENDARS OR PHONE!!!! All classes are mandatory attendance in order to receive certification. If you cannot attend due to a valid emergency, we will discuss how you can make up the class you missed and/or what to do in order to remain a class member for the duration. If winter months bring inclement weather and bad roads, we will turn that month’s meeting into a ½ day video group class.
Your financial investment is $100 per month; if full amount is paid in advance, you will receive a discount of $100 and pay $800 in full before first class, payable by cash or check. Auto pay will be generated 24 hours in advance of each class. You will need to provide credit or debit card info before first class. This is non-refundable pre-pay.
In addition to the in-person classes, we will do a 1-hour group video call between monthly classes for Q&A or to discuss related topics.
There will be class educational material and discussion, as well as hands on table work as you practice the upgrade session techniques on other attendees.
You must register with me DIRECTLY; this course will not be offered via online scheduling.
Contact me by calling or texting 304-216-7324 by September 24 midnight

Working With Your Personal Akasha
A lot of this workshop will go according to intuition and divine guidance, but this is the general outline of what I intend to offer, and whatever else divine guidance provides:
Workshop details:
5:30 - 9p
(please arrive about 15 minutes early, we will be starting at 5:30p on the dot, and will not have time to repeat the info given at beginning of the workshop)
In this workshop:
We will briefly discuss various information about Akashic Records, but focus on your personal Akasha
We will discuss the importance of daily alignment with the Source Life that you are, and the importance of grounding for manifestation of your personal codes. This is an important part of maintaining higher vibrations to make it easier to engage with your Akasha from WITHIN, instead of trying to do so with the limited human mind. You will receive my personal daily alignment practice to use, or tweek it with you own words.
We will discuss the importance of reviving and TRUSTING your inner voice, your intuition
We will have "creative time", when you will create and draw your personal passcode for access
You will receive assistance on how to clarify and get specific about the areas of your Akasha from which you want to access, retrieve, download and activate the optimal codes for your current situation; so be prepared prior to the workshop with intention, and to share for the sake of obtaining clairity for the inner journey into your Akasha
Light Language assistance for acclimating your human energies to the very different energetic environment of your Akasha
Finally, you will participate in a guided journey into the library/database of your Akasha, as a start of doing it yourself, at home, while sleeping
Bring with you to the workshop:
Journal or notebook dedicated to your class and future Akashic work
Whatever you need to make yourself comfy and cozy for "floor time"
Quartz Crystal to program for your class and future Akashic work (you may have, or find, a quartz crystal that is already a Record Keeper. You can read more about that online by searching "record keeper crystals" and check out the images)